I’ve been told to wait countless times. I’ve been lead to believe that Prince Charming would someday come to sweep me off my feet. I grew up thinking that my life was a fairy tale waiting to happen. I’m not saying I was raised in falsehood, but that glimmer of hope has somehow dimmed and it’s getting harder to believe the things that I used to bet my heart on.
For years I’ve convinced myself that I was but an ugly duckling. I would grow out of my not-so-pleasant looks and one day turn into a beautiful and elegant swan. After I turned 18 though, it became evident that it wasn’t the case. I was no ugly duckling. I’m a frog princess doomed to be an eyesore for eternity until true love brushes its lips against mine. I would remain horrid to the eyes of many until a man sees past my exterior and find the true beauty that lies within me.
It’s so much harder than it looks though. Plenty of men claim to give more weight on a woman’s character, but they only try to get to know the person that catches their eye. They seldom give the unpretty girl a second thought. Ah, how better it is to be a man! They do not wait for women to come talk to them, they assert themselves and approach whoever captures their fancy. Girls may have control over the game of courtship, but it is the men who initiate. Even if he doesn’t look like a Greek god, there’s still a chance that he takes home the prize because women can be swayed with constant wooing and good showmanship. It’s easy for us to change our minds about men and look beyond their appearance because they are given the opportunity to flaunt their strengths, while we just wait to get noticed.
I’m not belittling womanhood, mind you, as I am proud to be a lady. However, in the matter of romance, I believe I have spoken the truth. I can’t go up to a man and simply declare my interest and availability without subjecting myself to disapproving looks and hushed name-calling. I am to behave as any proper lady should and I can’t help but feel that I might just end up being a spinster. The waiting game may not work to my advantage. My prince, on his way to find me, might come across a beauty asleep or a lovely damsel on a tower and would no longer go any further than where he is. This frog princess may grow old waiting for a prince that may never come and I may never have a taste of that spell-breaking kiss.