Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 14: What do I like most about myself?

This is one question that I don't get asked often, and so I've never really taken the time to think of an answer. What can I possibly like about myself, when I'm constantly berating myself for not being better? Hmm.. Let's see.

I've had a few days to think of the answer, but somehow it is very elusive. And just when I think I have it, a little voice inside my head would whisper, "Seriously?" It wasn't until about two minutes ago when I finally came around and found the right answer. Well, for now anyway (while that stupid voice is still asleep). I have come to the epic conclusion that the thing I like most about myself is the thing that makes me human, and that is my forbearance towards the harshness of reality. Like most people, I whine and complain over things that come my way, and yet I manage to get through it one day at a time. Sometimes I look back and wonder how I ever made it through some trying times, and then I am reminded of the gift of strength my God has bestowed upon me.

I know that this is not exactly the best answer, nor is it something special, but when you think about it, doesn't it make you feel proud to be so resilient?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 13: Have I ever had my heart broken? Have I ever broken a heart?


Day 12: If I could wish for anything that would come true, what would I wish for?

This challenge sure talks a lot about wishes and dreams!

If I could wish for anything (and by anything I mean anything), I'd probably wish for magic. I mean, who wouldn't want a little magic in their lives? I'm talking about real magic, of course. Spells, enchantments, charms, and the like. But if that's too much to ask, I could settle for the magic of life: true love, lasting friendships, strong family ties, career fulfillment, and self-actualization.

I'm not wishing for magic just for the heck of it. I'm wishing for magic because I know I deserve it. I know it's wishful thinking on my part, but I have always believed in it, and I still do. The world has proven to me its non-existence countless times, but I refuse to yield. For me, magic is out there, and one day I'm gonna get it. I mean, I'm not holding out for my Hogwarts letter to come along, but I'm sure there's some kind of magic out there that's waiting for me. It may be the kind of magic that whips you up a cup of coffee at the snap of a finger, or the kind that sits with you by the window as you enjoy that warm cup.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 11: Who can’t I live without?

There are some questions in life that are thrown at you, and you're never sure of what to answer. There are also those that even before the question can be completed, you already have the answer blurted out. This is one of the latter.

The moment I read the challenge for the day, my mind has already made up its answer without second thoughts. My answer is something I have always admitted openly to everyone. As independent as I may seem to some, there will always be two people that I will forever be dependent to. Without them, I don't know how I could ever exist. I owe to these people my everything, including the life I am living.

I've said this before, quite a lot of times actually, but I'll say it again anyway. This is not something I will ever be ashamed to admit. The people I can't live without are my parents. They are my best friends, my mentors, my love. Ever since I was a tiny little baby with an over-sized head, I have been so attached to them. They may not have spoiled me with material things, but I have been abundant of their love.

Day 10: A dream for the future.

In addition to Day 9, I dream of finding my niche in a job that I identify myself with. :)