Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
The Perfect Stranger

The Prince
Being the curious little boy that he is, Luis asked what it was she was so busy with. He didn’t like being ignored, so he wanted to know what it was that got hold of Juanita’s full attention.
“I’m drawing my prince charming”, she replied. ”I need to make it really good so I’d know him when I see him.”
“Cool!” said Luis. “Can I help?”
Juanita just shrugged in response and said, “I guess.”
There they sat for the remainder of their recess. Juanita drew as Luis offered his thoughts. It was Luis who said that princes no longer wore crowns, but used multicoloured caps instead. It was his idea to have the prince wear blue because, according to him, princes don’t like red. It was also he who had said that sneakers were what princes wore nowadays. Luis would tell Juanita how to draw her prince and she’d simply follow like a mindless droid.
When they were done, they patted each other’s back for a job well done; just the way their teacher, Miss Chan, does. It was as perfect as they could hope. Proud of their work, they decided to show it to Miss Chan. But before Juanita could hand it to their teacher, Luis snatched the drawing from her to give it the “final touch”. After adding a little detail, he folded it and handed it to her.
Juanita walked up to Miss Chan’s table with a big smile on her face and handed her the folded drawing. As Miss Chan opened the drawing, she made a curious face before smiling so sweetly. Juanita wasn’t sure what Miss Chan had in mind and thought that maybe she didn’t think it was good enough. Before Juanita could open her mouth to ask for drawing back, Miss Chan patted her on the back and said, “Well done, Juanita. You even drew his birthmark.”
Confused, Juanita asked, “What?”
Miss Chan just smiled a little wider and said, “It’s so sweet of you to draw Luis.”
Friday, November 19, 2010
Tides Turned

“Hey, move it!” The sound of a man’s voice and his screeching bike tires startled me. That was when I realized how stupid I looked. Why did I keep coming back here anyway? Why did I want to keep hurting myself like this? I made a stupid decision once upon a time, and now I had to man up to it and live with the bitterness of regret.
I saw the door open and out came Johnny –- or should I say, Conner. That’s what they call him now. He’s no longer mine and they made it official by giving him another name. Ha! Why did I even bother to look for him when he clearly doesn’t need me and all my baggage in his life?
The sky was starting to clear up and the rain had reduced to a drizzle. I kept my eye on Joh–- I mean, Conner, hoping he’d look my way once. I didn’t care if he wouldn’t recognize me; all I asked was a quick glance. A passing glance at an odd stranger who stood across the street.
I had stood there in vain, for when they drove away he didn’t even look my way. I remained standing there for twenty minutes, keeping my eye on a moving truck that was long gone out of sight. I’ve abandoned him a long time ago, now he has abandoned me. With tears in my eyes and thorns in my heart, I whispered to the wind what I came here to say. Happy birthday, son.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Boy, Do I Think Too Much Before Sleeping!