Ten years after I last set foot in Manila, I was astounded at how much the place has changed. It is to be expected, of course. Ten years is a long time after all. The country is keeping up with the times and the capital is intent in being a globally competent metro. Metro Manila has put up a facade that’s far greater than the last I’ve seen. I even admit to falling in love at first sight with Bonifacio High Street. Having the biggest book shop I’ve ever been to and a line of top brand boutiques, I need not see the entire place for me to declare it as one of my favourite places to visit. However, no matter how much the place has changed physically, it still holds the same old stench: the crazy traffic, overpriced food, suspicious characters, overcrowded streets, and rude people (case in point, that stuck up bitch from ABS-CBN Tours’ front desk). Just when you think you might actually like living there, these things make you stop to reconsider. They make you miss home’s far more tolerable traffic, less crowded streets, reasonably priced food, and the people who are far more eager to please its clientele.
I’m not saying my hometown’s far better because, like every other place in the world, we have our own flaws. We have our share of shady characters and soap opera-like antagonists. Commercially, we are a little behind compared to Manila. We are growing at a much slower pace and I think we need to learn a thing or two from the capital city in terms of innovations. The only thing I can guarantee is that Cebu has a much more laidback atmosphere. It has the right mix of the metropolitan high life and the homey feel of the country. But much to my chagrin, Manila would easily trump us in terms of industrial growth and modernization.
Manila sure made me appreciate home, but I can’t say I didn’t like it there. The three days I spent there was more than satisfactory that I even ended up writing about it. This year's visit is a far cry from my last memory of the place. I enjoyed it enough to not make me cringe at the idea of coming back. Well, to put it more accurately, I intend to come back. To visit, that is. A wider selection of books, fashion strip you can't find at home, international concert tours, and professional theater productions of well-loved plays and musicals! I'd say Manila hasn't seen the last of me yet. ;)
As I’m writing this down, two men in black suits are currently looking for me to erase my memory. There’s no time to explain. They might find me any moment. I have made a discovery that would make world and otherworld history and I intend to remember as much of it as I can. This might sound crazy, but trust me, all of it is true. I am only going to write down key events in the hope that all the minute details would just come rushing back in time.
Earlier this morning I found a dusty old closet in the attic that was left to us by my grandma. It was locked and marked “Keep closed at all times”. Normally I would’ve stepped away before my allergies could act up, but something was pulling me towards it. I found the key to the lock on the old key bowl at the far end of the room. When I opened it, I found it to be endless. My instincts told me to run away but my curiosity got the best of me.
I went inside the closet and walked on for 20 minutes or so before I bumped into a faun with buttons for eyes that went by the name of Mr. Baggins. He introduced himself as the Keeper of the Keys and Grounds of someplace I can’t quite remember. It was starting to get too creepy for me, so I told him I had to go home. But when I turned to go back where I came from, everything was covered in trees. He then told me that the only way out was by “running through a royal wall”. I was going to ask him some more, but then a tree went berserk on us. Slamming its huge branches to the ground, intent on beating us to a pulp.
We made it out alive and he took me to see the white queen because he was running late for a royal engagement. After much trouble, I was able to talk to the queen and asked her if I could run through the royal wall. She never asked me why but told me she’d let me run through the wall that held the king’s cross if I delivered a ring to a green wizard. I obliged, and to that she handed me the ring which she calls her precious. The ring burned my skin which caused me to drop it. Eyes went wide as the queen called me an outsider. Everyone was suddenly out to get me and the queen screamed to have my head cut off. I ran as fast as I could into the woods where I saw a green witch with bushy brown hair talking to some animals about a planned coup. They were wary of me at first but in the end decided to help me. They were the ones who took me to the magic mirror that could take me home. The witch told me not to worry when I get home as nobody from their world could harm me there. The best they could do is to send the queen’s memory guards to wipe off any memory of the place.
When we reached the mirror, Mr. Baggins was there waiting. He bared his fangs as he tried to jump toward me, but a flying monkey fought him off. The witch shoved me into the mirror before the guards could put their hands on me. I went out of the mirror on the closet and landed on the attic floor. I have locked the closet so they could not follow me through the mirror, but they could still get me through the royal wall. There are –
The note ended abruptly so I’m guessing the memory guards caught up with me quickly. The note was crumpled in my back pocket as well, signifying haste on my part. There’s still more that I could not recall at the moment. There’s so much more, I’m sure. And that last line of strange words, I am yet to find out its significance. I am faced with all these mysteries, but one thing is clear to me though. All the stories are true. Trust me.
I've had other stupid, mindless wishes come true. When I was a kid, I wanted to wear glasses like one kid from school. Now I just wish my eyes would magically fix itself because glasses and even contact lenses can get really annoying. I remember wishing to get admitted in a hospital before to see who'd come to visit me. A few months later I was admitted to have my appendix removed.
I've learned now to be careful with what I wish for. Things aren't always what they seem. What you want may turn out to be nothing like you expected. It may not be as fun or as beneficial as you'd hoped. You may end up hating yourself for it. Especially when you ask for something as stupid as the ones I asked.
I’ve been told to wait countless times. I’ve been lead to believe that Prince Charming would someday come to sweep me off my feet. I grew up thinking that my life was a fairy tale waiting to happen. I’m not saying I was raised in falsehood, but that glimmer of hope has somehow dimmed and it’s getting harder to believe the things that I used to bet my heart on.
For years I’ve convinced myself that I was but an ugly duckling. I would grow out of my not-so-pleasant looks and one day turn into a beautiful and elegant swan. After I turned 18 though, it became evident that it wasn’t the case. I was no ugly duckling. I’m a frog princess doomed to be an eyesore for eternity until true love brushes its lips against mine. I would remain horrid to the eyes of many until a man sees past my exterior and find the true beauty that lies within me.
It’s so much harder than it looks though. Plenty of men claim to give more weight on a woman’s character, but they only try to get to know the person that catches their eye. They seldom give the unpretty girl a second thought. Ah, how better it is to be a man! They do not wait for women to come talk to them, they assert themselves and approach whoever captures their fancy. Girls may have control over the game of courtship, but it is the men who initiate. Even if he doesn’t look like a Greek god, there’s still a chance that he takes home the prize because women can be swayed with constant wooing and good showmanship. It’s easy for us to change our minds about men and look beyond their appearance because they are given the opportunity to flaunt their strengths, while we just wait to get noticed.
I’m not belittling womanhood, mind you, as I am proud to be a lady. However, in the matter of romance, I believe I have spoken the truth. I can’t go up to a man and simply declare my interest and availability without subjecting myself to disapproving looks and hushed name-calling. I am to behave as any proper lady should and I can’t help but feel that I might just end up being a spinster. The waiting game may not work to my advantage. My prince, on his way to find me, might come across a beauty asleep or a lovely damsel on a tower and would no longer go any further than where he is. This frog princess may grow old waiting for a prince that may never come and I may never have a taste of that spell-breaking kiss.
We reached our destination after a series of unfortunate events, feeling glad and proud of ourselves for braving through unruly conditions. We arrived late for the mass, but just in time for the festivities. The dancing and the fireworks were awesome. As cliche and pathetic as it may sound, Katy Perry's Firework really came to mind at that moment.
When it was time to go home, we were tested yet again. Getting a ride was close to impossible. When we decided to go inside EMall's back entrance and go out the front to avoid getting wet, we were blocked. The security guard told us the mall was closed. So we were left standing outside along with more than fifty people. Just when the DJ at the radio booth started to play California Gurls, April saw a jeepney we could ride. It was full but at least there was hope now. We could trace where they came from. So we walked in the rain, singning California Gurls in the streets.
We did get to ride a jeepney after, but it only brought us halfway home. When we reached our stop we decided to get a cab so we can get home ASAP. We couldn't wait to get clean and cozy. Getting a cab seemed easier then, but most refused upon knowing the destination because they were headed the other way. After five rejections, the cab to save our asses came along. When we got in and heard what was on the radio, we just laughed. It was Teenage Dream about to end. We laughed recalling how Katy Perry's songs were played during the highlights of our night.
Last night was a struggle, but we knew it was also a test of faith. It's easy to give up on the challenge if you were alone, but the company of friends made it all bearable for us. That and Katy Perry's songs. Haha!
The green Harry Potter journal was my first. A gift from my father when I turned 13. It holds the records of some important events that took place when I was in high school written in a painfully embarrassing way. Haha! The next one is the big bright green notebook that Liz gave me for Christmas 2007. My "whatever" notebook. I basically just fill it with whatever comes to mind. The third one to join my collection is the green handmade, almost-iridescent green journal I got from Gwen for Christmas 2008. I'm currently still struggling to turn it into a scrapbook. The fourth addition would be the brown Paris notebook Nicole gave me last May. It's the one I'm currently using as a journal and trying so hard to fill. The last one to become part of my feeble collection is James's gift last Christmas. A maroon-and-gold journal that simply looks magical.
If I haven't been writing in my blog lately, it's because I've been writing in my journal instead. The intimacy of writing something to be read by you and you alone has become more and more appealing to me. I find it more liberating because your only audience is yourself. You can bare as much soul as you want, and you won't feel so weird doing it. It's like finding yourself without nobody watching, so you're left with nothing but your instincts to guide you. It's like therapy for free. I'm not saying I'm giving up on blogging however, because it brings me a different kind of joy as well. I'm simply saying that I'm rediscovering a different world. A world of my own.
I know keeping a journal (or a diary if you prefer the term) is not an easy task, but it's really not so hard to do either. You just do what feels right for you. You write, paste, draw, whatever! It's your journal so you make your own rules. That's the best thing about it. You get to keep some memories alive as well. It's like making a personal time machine. You read back and you get transported back in time. If you have one, you probably know what I'm saying, but if you don't, well, try starting one if I've got your curiosity peaked. :)