One is an odd number. But is it really?
In grade school, we're taught about the two types of numbers: Odd and Even. Even numbers are named the way they are because they come in pairs. If you divide them into two, the numbers would come out evenly. Odd numbers, on the other hand, can't be divided into two evenly. There would always be one that wouldn't have a pair or counterpart. An odd one. Hence the name.
But what's so special about having a pair, anyway? Sure, it gets lonely when you're all on your own, but I don't see why it's odd to be a One. I mean, I'm a One. And I don't see myself as odd. I see myself as special.
The world wants you to believe that you can't live by yourself. That no man is an island. Well, I say that's true. That's what family and friends are for. To keep us company and make us feel safe. They surround us so that we won't be lonely. But the world also wants you to believe that you need to have a pair, a partner in life, to feel complete. That every man is a half of a whole. And to that I say, bullcrap.
Of course, we all want to have our share of a happy ever after with someone special. I know I do. But not everyone will be lucky enough to get it. Not everyone gets a slice of the cake. For some people, its just not gonna happen. Sad? Of course, it is. But it doesn't always have to be. Having a partner is just a minute part of your being, after all. An accessory if you may. Having a pair is not what makes you whole, its love. And if somehow you're not lucky enough to find a special someone, then divert your attention and offer your love to someone who may need it more. Yourself.
People look for partners in life thinking that the other person would complete them. But that's a misconception. People look for partners because they think they couldn't go on living alone. They couldn't picture themselves being happy with themselves. Loving their own imperfections. So they go out to the world, in search of someone who feels the same. Throwing themselves at practically every cute stranger they'd meet hoping he or she is the one. Or maybe even resort to very desperate measures just to find someone to spend the rest of their lives with. Possibly settling for some loser who isn't even worth half the love they're so willing to give out. And the love they could've given to themselves? They hand it over to their "other half" in hopes of having their feelings reciprocated. Believing that this possibly-a-big-mistake relationship would finally make them feel complete.
You see, a partner is not what makes a person complete. It's the love you have inside of you. So what if you're single? Be patient, your time may come sooner than you expect. And if not, well it always pays to have family and friends to keep you company. Never settle for just about anybody who may seem to care but doesn't. Never compromise. You know you deserve better. And if you're one of the "unlucky" ones, well think again. You may be luckier than most. The single old woman with all the cats is happier than the married man with a cheating wife and kids he isn't even sure is his, you know.
Being single doesn't mean you'd end up being unhappy too. Maybe it just isn't meant to be. Or maybe you just haven't met the right one yet. Maybe your love story is still in the works. Just be patient. I'm not gonna claim that I'm an expert at love since I've practically been single all my life. I can, however, say that I'm very good at being single. And right now, you just have to concentrate on the one that needs your love the most. Concentrate on yourself. Don't just lie around and wait for your prince or princess to come along. So that whatever may happen in the end, may he or she show up or not, you'll know you haven't wasted your time and love on something worthless. You'll know you did the right thing.
One may seem like an odd number, but it isn't. It's special. Because although it hopes to find a pair, it can stand on its own. It can rise. It can shine. So all the Ones out there, be strong. Stand firm. Don't ever believe that you're worthless because you don't have pair. You're so much more than just somebody's partner. You are not a fraction of a whole; you are a whole in yourself.
Sure, it takes two to tango. But dancing with yourself isn't so bad.

In grade school, we're taught about the two types of numbers: Odd and Even. Even numbers are named the way they are because they come in pairs. If you divide them into two, the numbers would come out evenly. Odd numbers, on the other hand, can't be divided into two evenly. There would always be one that wouldn't have a pair or counterpart. An odd one. Hence the name.
But what's so special about having a pair, anyway? Sure, it gets lonely when you're all on your own, but I don't see why it's odd to be a One. I mean, I'm a One. And I don't see myself as odd. I see myself as special.
The world wants you to believe that you can't live by yourself. That no man is an island. Well, I say that's true. That's what family and friends are for. To keep us company and make us feel safe. They surround us so that we won't be lonely. But the world also wants you to believe that you need to have a pair, a partner in life, to feel complete. That every man is a half of a whole. And to that I say, bullcrap.
Of course, we all want to have our share of a happy ever after with someone special. I know I do. But not everyone will be lucky enough to get it. Not everyone gets a slice of the cake. For some people, its just not gonna happen. Sad? Of course, it is. But it doesn't always have to be. Having a partner is just a minute part of your being, after all. An accessory if you may. Having a pair is not what makes you whole, its love. And if somehow you're not lucky enough to find a special someone, then divert your attention and offer your love to someone who may need it more. Yourself.
People look for partners in life thinking that the other person would complete them. But that's a misconception. People look for partners because they think they couldn't go on living alone. They couldn't picture themselves being happy with themselves. Loving their own imperfections. So they go out to the world, in search of someone who feels the same. Throwing themselves at practically every cute stranger they'd meet hoping he or she is the one. Or maybe even resort to very desperate measures just to find someone to spend the rest of their lives with. Possibly settling for some loser who isn't even worth half the love they're so willing to give out. And the love they could've given to themselves? They hand it over to their "other half" in hopes of having their feelings reciprocated. Believing that this possibly-a-big-mistake relationship would finally make them feel complete.
You see, a partner is not what makes a person complete. It's the love you have inside of you. So what if you're single? Be patient, your time may come sooner than you expect. And if not, well it always pays to have family and friends to keep you company. Never settle for just about anybody who may seem to care but doesn't. Never compromise. You know you deserve better. And if you're one of the "unlucky" ones, well think again. You may be luckier than most. The single old woman with all the cats is happier than the married man with a cheating wife and kids he isn't even sure is his, you know.
Being single doesn't mean you'd end up being unhappy too. Maybe it just isn't meant to be. Or maybe you just haven't met the right one yet. Maybe your love story is still in the works. Just be patient. I'm not gonna claim that I'm an expert at love since I've practically been single all my life. I can, however, say that I'm very good at being single. And right now, you just have to concentrate on the one that needs your love the most. Concentrate on yourself. Don't just lie around and wait for your prince or princess to come along. So that whatever may happen in the end, may he or she show up or not, you'll know you haven't wasted your time and love on something worthless. You'll know you did the right thing.
One may seem like an odd number, but it isn't. It's special. Because although it hopes to find a pair, it can stand on its own. It can rise. It can shine. So all the Ones out there, be strong. Stand firm. Don't ever believe that you're worthless because you don't have pair. You're so much more than just somebody's partner. You are not a fraction of a whole; you are a whole in yourself.
Sure, it takes two to tango. But dancing with yourself isn't so bad.

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