January 1. A new day, and a new year. Before I got out of bed, I pondered what I would want to do first on the first day of the year. I lay on that semi-soft, semi-hard mattress, feeling the cool breeze for quite sometime until I finally figured out that there was only one thing to do. To take a look back at the past year and thank God for the blessings that I've received.
If there was one word to describe the year that's passed, I wouldn't know what it is. Because for me, it would take more than one word to describe the wild ride that was 2009. It had been pretty ironic, and also blissful at some point. It was petty frustrating, but also a lot of fun. Last year wasn't recorded in a journal or a blog, but it was imprinted on my heart. I have run down below five reasons why I loved 2009. Of course there should be more but I guess that would suffice as I can't really put down ALL the reasons why I loved 2009. :)
♥ Last year, I fulfilled a promise. Due to unfortunate events, my older brother hadn't finished his studies. I'm not even quite sure what level he is in college. So the moment that it became clear to me that we were having academic problems for my brother and financial problems for the entire family, I made a vow that I will make my parents proud and finish my undergraduate studies. And on my graduation day, when I saw how happy my parents were, I knew I had fulfilled my promise.
♥ Last year, I was a Yes Man. After being inspired from the movie of the same name, my friends and I decided to become Yes Men. Whenever one of us suggested to do something like play golf, eat halo-halo, or whatever that would come to mind, we would only answer
"Yes". It was fun while it lasted. We got to do stuff we didn't usually do and we also allowed ourselves to let go of our worries for some time. It didn't really last long though, since our responsibilities were calling out to us. Most of us were graduating, so school had become so hectic that we could no longer keep up with our Yes Man attitude. I hope we could get back to it again come 2010, though.
♥ Last year, I became a Nurse. If you knew me back in my senior year in high school, you'd know that I didn't want to be a nurse. And if you knew me back when I was a little kid, you'd know that becoming a nurse was never one of my millions of ambitions. Surprisingly enough, though, that's what I have become. I've studied to become one, got a pin to prove I am one, and passed the exams that would allow me to be one. Yes, thanks to God, I am now a nurse even if it wasn't what I've always wanted. Now, the next step is to look for a nursing job. Hehe.
♥ Last year, my friends and I gave back to the community. After our much awaited Christmas Party, my friends and I decided to extend the Christmas spirit to the abandoned children in the Missionaries of the Poor. We fed the lovely little children who had special needs. It was then that I realized how lucky I truly am. It was also then that I realized how stupid and selfish I was to have thought that the world had done me wrong just because of the minor misfortunes that befell upon me, when the children at MOP has had it worse and yet they find it in themselves to be happy with the little things that they have. It was truly one eye-opening experience that I would treasure for the rest of my life. And it was also a very good way to have ended the year.
♥ Last year, I decided to keep on doing the things I love. If you've read my previous entries, you'd know what I'm talking about. In the last quarter of 2009 I became an Indie Blogger (either James or Gwen came up with the nickname) and I got back to my roots and started drawing again. Although I haven't really finished any artwork yet due to my sucky schedule (I hate the night shift 'coz you always feel like there isn't much time!), I never stopped trying. And yes, I will never stop trying for as long as I can. Keep in mind that not everyone knows what would make them happy. So if you're lucky enough to find out what it is that makes you happy, don't let it go. Hold on to it because it just might be what you'd need to keep you going.
Now that 2009 has ended and the future is staring at us right in the face, I can't really say that I'm all excited. Because there's really no telling what may ensue come 2010. Who knows what kind of joy and sorrow we'd encounter this coming year. Well, c'est la vie! I may not know what tomorrow might bring, but I know I've got to say this: Thank you, yesterday.
♥ Last year, I was a Yes Man. After being inspired from the movie of the same name, my friends and I decided to become Yes Men. Whenever one of us suggested to do something like play golf, eat halo-halo, or whatever that would come to mind, we would only answer

♥ Last year, my friends and I gave back to the community. After our much awaited Christmas Party, my friends and I decided to extend the Christmas spirit to the abandoned children in the Missionaries of the Poor. We fed the lovely little children who had special needs. It was then that I realized how lucky I truly am. It was also then that I realized how stupid and selfish I was to have thought that the world had done me wrong just because of the minor misfortunes that befell upon me, when the children at MOP has had it worse and yet they find it in themselves to be happy with the little things that they have. It was truly one eye-opening experience that I would treasure for the rest of my life. And it was also a very good way to have ended the year.
♥ Last year, I decided to keep on doing the things I love. If you've read my previous entries, you'd know what I'm talking about. In the last quarter of 2009 I became an Indie Blogger (either James or Gwen came up with the nickname) and I got back to my roots and started drawing again. Although I haven't really finished any artwork yet due to my sucky schedule (I hate the night shift 'coz you always feel like there isn't much time!), I never stopped trying. And yes, I will never stop trying for as long as I can. Keep in mind that not everyone knows what would make them happy. So if you're lucky enough to find out what it is that makes you happy, don't let it go. Hold on to it because it just might be what you'd need to keep you going.
Now that 2009 has ended and the future is staring at us right in the face, I can't really say that I'm all excited. Because there's really no telling what may ensue come 2010. Who knows what kind of joy and sorrow we'd encounter this coming year. Well, c'est la vie! I may not know what tomorrow might bring, but I know I've got to say this: Thank you, yesterday.
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