Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
The Perfect Stranger

The Prince
Being the curious little boy that he is, Luis asked what it was she was so busy with. He didn’t like being ignored, so he wanted to know what it was that got hold of Juanita’s full attention.
“I’m drawing my prince charming”, she replied. ”I need to make it really good so I’d know him when I see him.”
“Cool!” said Luis. “Can I help?”
Juanita just shrugged in response and said, “I guess.”
There they sat for the remainder of their recess. Juanita drew as Luis offered his thoughts. It was Luis who said that princes no longer wore crowns, but used multicoloured caps instead. It was his idea to have the prince wear blue because, according to him, princes don’t like red. It was also he who had said that sneakers were what princes wore nowadays. Luis would tell Juanita how to draw her prince and she’d simply follow like a mindless droid.
When they were done, they patted each other’s back for a job well done; just the way their teacher, Miss Chan, does. It was as perfect as they could hope. Proud of their work, they decided to show it to Miss Chan. But before Juanita could hand it to their teacher, Luis snatched the drawing from her to give it the “final touch”. After adding a little detail, he folded it and handed it to her.
Juanita walked up to Miss Chan’s table with a big smile on her face and handed her the folded drawing. As Miss Chan opened the drawing, she made a curious face before smiling so sweetly. Juanita wasn’t sure what Miss Chan had in mind and thought that maybe she didn’t think it was good enough. Before Juanita could open her mouth to ask for drawing back, Miss Chan patted her on the back and said, “Well done, Juanita. You even drew his birthmark.”
Confused, Juanita asked, “What?”
Miss Chan just smiled a little wider and said, “It’s so sweet of you to draw Luis.”
Friday, November 19, 2010
Tides Turned

“Hey, move it!” The sound of a man’s voice and his screeching bike tires startled me. That was when I realized how stupid I looked. Why did I keep coming back here anyway? Why did I want to keep hurting myself like this? I made a stupid decision once upon a time, and now I had to man up to it and live with the bitterness of regret.
I saw the door open and out came Johnny –- or should I say, Conner. That’s what they call him now. He’s no longer mine and they made it official by giving him another name. Ha! Why did I even bother to look for him when he clearly doesn’t need me and all my baggage in his life?
The sky was starting to clear up and the rain had reduced to a drizzle. I kept my eye on Joh–- I mean, Conner, hoping he’d look my way once. I didn’t care if he wouldn’t recognize me; all I asked was a quick glance. A passing glance at an odd stranger who stood across the street.
I had stood there in vain, for when they drove away he didn’t even look my way. I remained standing there for twenty minutes, keeping my eye on a moving truck that was long gone out of sight. I’ve abandoned him a long time ago, now he has abandoned me. With tears in my eyes and thorns in my heart, I whispered to the wind what I came here to say. Happy birthday, son.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Boy, Do I Think Too Much Before Sleeping!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Via Con Dios, 'La.

Thursday, July 8, 2010
Well, hello there, blog!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Rapunzel's Song

Friday, June 18, 2010
Dying Young
Woe, to the world left behind.
Life left unfathomed.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Ten Things You May Not Know About Peter Pan
I realized that I have taken my Peter Pan addiction so far on tumblr that I've decided to post this here. I didn't want to turn that page into a Peter Pan shrine. After all, there are plenty of them out there already. Hehe. So to satisfy my "need" for anything Pan-related, here are ten things about Peter Pan that you may not have known.
- Disney's Peter Pan was the first Peter Pan ever to be played by a boy, but it was the 2003 version that had the first live boy to play the part. Traditionally, Pan had always been played by women.
- Since the very first showing of Peter Pan, the same actor who plays Captain Hook also plays Mr. Darling.
- In the original 1953 Disney version, there is a scene where Tinkerbell is dying and Peter sings a song to save her, but this scene was taken out in later versions. Tinkerbell appears with Peter later in the film and no explanation is given as to her healing.
- Kathryn Beaumont, the girl who voiced Wendy Darling in the Disney adaptation, also voiced Alice in Alice in Wonderland.
- J.M. Barrie gave the rights for Peter Pan to Great Ormond Street Hospital in 1929.
- Many people believe that Marilyn Monroe had the body that Tinkerbell's curvaceous one was based on, but it wasn't. It was actually based on actress Margaret Kerry.
- The name Wendy was popularized by the book. It was very uncommon before Barrie used it for the book's heroine.
- The characters of Peter Pan were based on Barrie's friends, the Llewleyn Davies kids. Peter Pan was said to be based from the child of the same name, Peter Llewelyn Davies.
- The height requirement for the Face Character of Peter Pan in Disneyland is between 5'1" to 5'4". Hurray for me!
- The melody for the song Second Star to the Right from Disney's Peter Pan was originally intended for Alice in Wonderland.

Monday, January 11, 2010
There Is Something Strange In Your Neighborhood
Just recently, I read a book called Kapitan Sino by the witty and remarkably humorous Filipino writer, Bob Ong. It's a little different from the others he wrote as it is not semi-biographical, but his charming wit and humor are still very much present in the said book.
Like Macarthur, his other novel-ish type book, it's still sort of a comic tragedy but it's not half as depressing. It tells the story of a Pinoy superhero and his struggles in life, but presented in a way that's closer to reality than most of the superhero comics or novels. It showed a superhero that's flawed and, in spite of having superpowers, very human. It also paints a very clear picture of the kind of society we're in.
I'm not very good at summarizing things, so I suggest you read for yourself. I won't say it's a great book because the plot is not really something new (and it might also cause you to raise your expectations), but it's a really good read. It's entertaining as it is very funny. Also, it has the Bob Ong trademark. You learn a good lesson after all the funny anecdotes without spending more than Php 200.
If you're looking for something to read to pass the time, I suggest you read Kapitan Sino.
Whoa. I think I just wrote my first book review.
I am not perfect and, yes, I'm not even close. But I'm hoping that someday I'd meet someone who I would be perfect for and would be perfect for me. And when that time comes, no matter how crazy the world would be, I know everything would turn out to be perfect. Just wait and see.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Black Coffee and Smiley-Pancakes with Extra Strawberry Drizzles
I am now at the age where people expect me to be a mature individual. Yes, at 21, most people would expect you to give up your childish ways. They would expect you to get over your fascination for toys, addiction for video games and enthralment in animated shows. I completely understand why people would expect something like that on 21-year-olds. We are at the age that's ripe for taking responsibility and making things happen. And it's hard, as they say, to get things done when you're hung over your childhood fantasies and crayon-colored world.
As we grow up, we give up the happy-go-lucky child within us. We gag that kid. and lock it up in the deepest, darkest part of our being. We try to ignore it's distant cries and deprive ourselves of the little happiness it bring us when we see that little kid smile. We give in to the notion that growing up means moving on and leaving the child behind, thinking that you can always get back to that kid when you feel you've done what you thought you were supposed to do. But you will never be done with your duties anytime soon. And in time, you'll forget all about that little kid. The moment you'd realize what you've forgotten, it probably would have been too late. And the child you kept hidden for so long would have long been dead.
Just recently a friend of mine told me that she felt like she was starting to get her old princess-y self back. I was genuinely so happy for her because it meant that she hasn't given up the child in her completely. She still had the little girl that believed in happy-ever-afters, the one she was forced to give up for quite some time, in her and waiting for her to open the door that she was locked in. And it was only a matter of time before she could finally set her free once more. However, just after she told me all about it, another friend of mine sort of made a confession that was the complete opposite. He basically told me that he suppressed his love for something because he had become an adult. He was, for a lack of a better word, embarrassed to like something as childish as that thing. And that made me sad.
I'm no expert in Life, but I feel like being young and growing up aren't on different ends of a continuum. I don't think that you have to choose one over the other. I don't think you have to give up a part of you just to be someone that you think you're supposed to be. Keep in mind the wonderful words of G.K. Chesterton: Happy is he who still loves something he loved in the nursery: He has not been broken in two by time; he is not two men, but one, and he has saved not only his soul but his life. Why should you change who you are if you can get the job done just as well when you're being you? Of course, I'm not saying that you should always act like a child because that's just plain stupid. What I'm saying is, give your self a chance to be a kid every now and then, see things through the eyes of a child, and don't be afraid to love the same things that you used to when you were a little tot. It's not immature, nor is it retarded. It's called being yourself.
So to hell with those insignificant people who mockingly chuckle when you get excited over a cartoon that you used to love. Don't even mind the curious glances of strange passers-by as you check out the toys that make you feel nostalgic. And screw those who silently judge you for still believing in fairy tales and happy ever after. They're probably just envious that you could afford to be a child and an adult at the same time.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Thank You, Yesterday
♥ Last year, I was a Yes Man. After being inspired from the movie of the same name, my friends and I decided to become Yes Men. Whenever one of us suggested to do something like play golf, eat halo-halo, or whatever that would come to mind, we would only answer

♥ Last year, my friends and I gave back to the community. After our much awaited Christmas Party, my friends and I decided to extend the Christmas spirit to the abandoned children in the Missionaries of the Poor. We fed the lovely little children who had special needs. It was then that I realized how lucky I truly am. It was also then that I realized how stupid and selfish I was to have thought that the world had done me wrong just because of the minor misfortunes that befell upon me, when the children at MOP has had it worse and yet they find it in themselves to be happy with the little things that they have. It was truly one eye-opening experience that I would treasure for the rest of my life. And it was also a very good way to have ended the year.
♥ Last year, I decided to keep on doing the things I love. If you've read my previous entries, you'd know what I'm talking about. In the last quarter of 2009 I became an Indie Blogger (either James or Gwen came up with the nickname) and I got back to my roots and started drawing again. Although I haven't really finished any artwork yet due to my sucky schedule (I hate the night shift 'coz you always feel like there isn't much time!), I never stopped trying. And yes, I will never stop trying for as long as I can. Keep in mind that not everyone knows what would make them happy. So if you're lucky enough to find out what it is that makes you happy, don't let it go. Hold on to it because it just might be what you'd need to keep you going.
Now that 2009 has ended and the future is staring at us right in the face, I can't really say that I'm all excited. Because there's really no telling what may ensue come 2010. Who knows what kind of joy and sorrow we'd encounter this coming year. Well, c'est la vie! I may not know what tomorrow might bring, but I know I've got to say this: Thank you, yesterday.