I am no photographer. Let's be clear about that. And if you're asking how I could be so bold to sum up the past year in photos in spite of this reality, well I account that to one thing: laziness. I now write for a living, and no matter how much I enjoy it, I have to admit that it can get exhausting. So bear with me on this one. Don't worry, most of it aren't my own shots anyway.

Celebrating Gwen's success at MO2. This was the night I lost my part-time job. LOL.

The first half of 2011 was dedicated to my personal growth. I cried, laughed, baked, read, did art, started a business. I tried to find myself then, and still am now. I guess it's a sort of journey that takes a lifetime to complete.

Wanderlust #1: Bantayan Summer Escapade with the Burkes. I've had my fair share of travels this year, but this has got to be my favorite. The reason? I got to share the experience with my best friends.

The best thing about coming back to Intelmed. :)

I turned 23, and gave up on the plans I've long been a slave to. I gave it up not because I lost hope, but because I'm making space for a new one. Hopefully this one turns out better than the last one.

Wanderlust #2: Meeting Peter in Manila. The trip I've been most excited about the whole year. I GOT TO WATCH PETER PAN ON STAGE! That show made my year.

Wanderlust #3: A Short and Sweet Visit to Beautiful Tagaytay. I've only had lunch at Sonya's, and already I'm in love.

Lucas Nathaniel. This little bundle of joy came to our lives. He almost peed on my phone, causing me to drop it, but I still love this bugger.
Wanderlust #4: Palawan Paradise. By far, the most beautiful place I've ever been to. I was gonna write about it in detail, but I've been swamped with work. :| I'll try to get around it really soon.

These are the only pictures I could find, but this thing right here is the highlight of my 2011. Enough said.
There. 2011 summed up in photos. I'd love to say more, but there's not much I could say. 2011 was a very interesting year for me, and I hope 2012 proves to be a whole lot better. To friends old and new, to places I've been and will be going to, to the family that's ever growing, and to life that's never boring, I lift my glass up for you. Cheers to a new year!
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